A Collaborative Research Practice between
Ben Hall and Jonathan Briggs
© Project Something 2016 .

CODE/Analogue Play – Workshop


The workshop aimed to open up the possibilities of digital play to a group of level 5 undergraduate graphic Arts students. More often that not the complexities code and programming environments are a barrier to experimental creative exploration. In order to break these barriers down we filled the room with projectors, Laptops, analogue titling machines, over head projectors. Using simple PHP programming techniques and the Twitter API, we generated some random textual strings. Then we threw some processing.org code into the mix, allowing the audio in the room to control the scale and colour of the projected canvas.

Very much in the spirit of David Carson, we allowed the process to drive the work and embraced the mistakes and visual glitches. It was very much a collaborative effort, documented using Digital SLR’s and Mobile phones.